Discover the Great Geysir Iceland

Intrepid adventurers looking for a grand spectacle need only make their way to the Great Geysir. Iceland is famous for its geothermal spots, and the Geysir Hot Springs area lives up to the hype. 

Planning a trip around an Iceland geyser tour is easy since the Great Geysir is one of the main attractions along the Golden Circle. Taking a day to stop in this alien landscape will allow you to see water spots that reach up to 30 meters (100 ft) into the air every few minutes. 

So, let’s grab our Strokkur Geyser map and explore the majesty of Icelandic geysers.

What is the Great Geysir

Geysir is a famous geyser located in the geothermal area of Haukadalur Valley. Less than 100 km from the country’s capital, travelers can find this natural phenomenon of the Golden Circle. Geysir and the surrounding attractions can be enjoyed year-round.

Suppose you’re making your way around the Golden Circle, taking in the Þingvellir National Park and the grand Gullfoss waterfall. In that case, it’s worth the drive to see Geysir and discover how it became the namesake for geysers around the world. 

Geysir vs. Strokkur

While Geysir is probably the most famous geyser attraction in the geothermal area of Haukadalur Valley, its eruptions are highly sporadic. Thankfully, there are many other geysers in the vicinity to guarantee you a photo op. 


The Great Geysir can deliver an incredibly high eruption, reaching heights as high as 70 meters (230 feet). However, back in 1935, silica blocked the channel to Geysir. Iceland would then only experience eruptions extremely randomly throughout the years.

Fifty years later, to stimulate an eruption, people began using soap. However, this practice has since been discontinued as it caused damages to the vents. 

While an earthquake in 2000 seemed to revitalize the geyser, with it gushing for nearly two days and a subsequent eruption several years later, it’s now deemed dormant. However, we can’t predict how long this dormancy will last, and you may be one of the lucky visitors to see it spring back to life. 

Strokkur geyser

Though Geysir hasn’t experienced an eruption for over half a decade, the Haukadalur Valley hosts several other attractions, including the timely Strokkur geyser. Iceland has many gems in the area, and the stunning scenery is sure to impress. 

Strokkur is known to shoot steaming jets of water every five to fifteen minutes, with spouts reaching heights up to 40 meters (130 feet). If Geysir doesn’t happen to wake up on your trip, you needn’t fear, as Strokkur will deliver. 

How Did the Geysir Geothermal Area Form? 

The geothermal area of Haukadalur Valley is rife with bubbling mud pools (fumaroles) that exude sulphuric gas into the chilled air. Along with the geysers that dot the land, these natural wonders are indeed a marvel to behold. 

What makes them so remarkable, aside from the sheer power on display, is how rare they are to occur worldwide. For these geysers to form, several conditions need to meet in perfect harmony. Magma must find its way near the surface level of the Earth, where it can heat the surrounding rocks to the point that they will boil water. Then, a geyser will only form if there’s an active stream of water to boil.

Thankfully, Icelandic geysers benefit from being over the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates and have access to meltwater from the many glaciers across the island. 

How to Get to Geysir

Finding your way to Geysir and Strokkur is extremely easy as they can both be found along the Golden Circle in the Haukadalur valley off route 35. Making your way to the Geysir Hot Springs area doesn’t require a 4×4 and can be accessed all year round. 

Most travelers will journey from Reykjavik and make the short 100 km drive to the southwest to reach Geysir. Iceland has many attractions along this route, and the Great Geyser will be one most memorable. 

Geysir FAQS

When did Geysir last erupt? 

After Geysir’s channel was blocked back in 1935, it didn’t have a natural eruption until 2000. Many thought that would be the last time it would erupt for some time. However, in February 2016, it surprised everyone with a spontaneous spout.

Does it cost money to visit the Geysir Geothermal Area?

The Haukadalur geothermal area is accessible to visitors. However, be mindful to stay within the marked areas, as the geysers spouts can cause burns.

What is the best time to see the geysers erupt? 

While your chances of Geysers erupting are slim, you can take solace knowing that Strokkur will erupt every few minutes. If you want to beat the crowds, early morning or late afternoon will provide you the best opportunity. 

Explore the Geysir Iceland with

Iceland is filled with unique sites, and the best way to see them is by traveling the country in a campervan. With a campervan, you can explore our beautiful landscape along your itinerary. To see which Iceland camper rental is the perfect fit for your trip, contact today.


Theodor Palsson

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